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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Vygotsky Workshop English, Collaboration to reach Collective Creativity, Conceptual Understanding on Sociocultural Theory, Methodology using Collaboration, Vygotsky Workshop has Methodology, Holbrook Mahn was Invited Researcher, Main Goal to reach Conceptual Understanding, Seminar: Concept Learning and Knowledge Representation. Sociocultural Theoretical Approach course part of Doctorate in Education, participants including Research Group: Culture and Education Future and Present, Collaboration yielding Shared Meaning, Seminar: Concept Learning and Knowledge Representation. Sociocultural Theoretical Approach course part of Master's in Educational Research, Manuel F. Aguilar Tamayo professor at UAEM, Conceptual Understanding on Vygotsky, Manuel F. Aguilar Tamayo member of Research Group: Culture and Education Future and Present, Collaboration yielding Collective Creativity, Students from Doctorate in Education, Main Goal is Collaboration, Students from School of Education, Vygotsky Workshop sponsored by CONACY, México CB-2006-01/60651 Research Project: Scientific concept learning and assessment with Concept Maps., Shared Meaning expressed in Representation, Holbrook Mahn professor at UNM